背书策略(Endorsement policies)
官方文档:Endorsement policies
Setting chaincode-level endorsement policies(设置链码级别的背书策略)
Chaincode-level endorsement policies are agreed to by channel members when they approve a chaincode definition for their organization. A sufficient number of channel members need to approve a chaincode definition to meet the Channel/Application/LifecycleEndorsement
policy, which by default is set to a majority of channel members, before the definition can be committed to the channel. Once the definition has been committed, the chaincode is ready to use. Any invoke of the chaincode that writes data to the ledger will need to be validated by enough channel members to meet the endorsement policy.
通道成员在为其组织批准链码定义时,会同意链码级认可策略。需要足够数量的通道成员批准链码定义才能满足Channel / Application / LifecycleEndorsement策略,该策略默认情况下设置为大多数通道成员,然后才能将链码定义提交给通道。提交定义后,便可以使用链码了。任何将数据写入账本的链码的调用都需要由足够的通道成员来验证,以满足背书策略。
You can specify an endorsement policy for a chaincode using the Fabric SDKs. For an example, visit the How to install and start your chaincode in the Node.js SDK documentation. You can also create an endorsement policy from your CLI when you approve and commit a chaincode definition with the Fabric peer binaries by using the --signature-policy
你可以使用Fabric SDKs来为链码指定背书策略,访问How to install and start your chaincode来查看使用Node.js SDK的文档。你也可以通过CLI在批准和提交链码定义时来创建背书策略,使用Fabric的peer可执行程序时使用 --signature-policy
For example:
1 | peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg --channelID mychannel --signature-policy "AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')" --name mycc --version 1.0 --package-id mycc_1:3a8c52d70c36313cfebbaf09d8616e7a6318ababa01c7cbe40603c373bcfe173 --sequence 1 --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem --waitForEvent |
The above command approves the chaincode definition of mycc
with the policy AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
which would require that a member of both Org1 and Org2 sign the transaction. After a sufficient number of channel members approve a chaincode definition for mycc
, the definition and endorsement policy can be committed to the channel using the command below:
上面的命令使用 AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
1 | peer lifecycle chaincode commit -o orderer.example.com:7050 --channelID mychannel --signature-policy "AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')" --name mycc --version 1.0 --sequence 1 --init-required --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem --waitForEvent --peerAddresses peer0.org1.example.com:7051 --tlsRootCertFiles /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/tls/ca.crt --peerAddresses peer0.org2.example.com:9051 --tlsRootCertFiles /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/peerOrganizations/org2.example.com/peers/peer0.org2.example.com/tls/ca.crt |
Notice that, if the identity classification is enabled (see Membership Service Providers (MSP)), one can use the PEER
role to restrict endorsement to only peers.
请注意,如果启用了身份分类(请参阅 Membership Service Providers (MSP)),则可以使用PEER
For example:
1 | peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg --channelID mychannel --signature-policy "AND('Org1.peer', 'Org2.peer')" --name mycc --version 1.0 --package-id mycc_1:3a8c52d70c36313cfebbaf09d8616e7a6318ababa01c7cbe40603c373bcfe173 --sequence 1 --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem --waitForEvent |
In addition to the specifying an endorsement policy from the CLI or SDK, a chaincode can also use policies in the channel configuration as endorsement policies. You can use the --channel-config-policy
flag to select a channel policy with format used by the channel configuration and by ACLs.
For example:
1 | peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg --channelID mychannel --channel-config-policy Channel/Application/Admins --name mycc --version 1.0 --package-id mycc_1:3a8c52d70c36313cfebbaf09d8616e7a6318ababa01c7cbe40603c373bcfe173 --sequence 1 --tls --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem --waitForEvent |
If you do not specify a policy, the chaincode definition will use the Channel/Application/Endorsement
policy by default, which requires that a transaction be validated by a majority of channel members. This policy depends on the membership of the channel, so it will be updated automatically when organizations are added or removed from a channel. One advantage of using channel policies is that they can be written to be updated automatically with channel membership.
如果你不指定背书策略,链码定义会使用默认的 Channel/Application/Endorsement
If you specify an endorsement policy using the --signature-policy
flag or the SDK, you will need to update the policy when organizations join or leave the channel. A new organization added to the channel after the chaincode has been defined will be able to query a chaincode (provided the query has appropriate authorization as defined by channel policies and any application level checks enforced by the chaincode) but will not be able to execute or endorse the chaincode. Only organizations listed in the endorsement policy syntax will be able sign transactions.
如果你使用 --signature-policy
chaincode如果不设置背书策略,则默认的背书策略是: /Channel/Application/Endorsement
1 | peer lifecycle chaincode querycommitted --channelID alljoinchannel --name secured_supply --output json |
设置背书策略为--signature-policy "OR('GylCoreOrg1MSP.peer','GylFOrg1MSP.peer','GylSOrg1MSP.peer','GylSOrg2MSP.peer')"
1 | peer lifecycle chaincode querycommitted --channelID alljoinchannel --name secured_supply --output json |
1 | e |
Endorsement policy syntax(背书策略的语法)
As you can see above, policies are expressed in terms of principals (“principals” are identities matched to a role). Principals are described as 'MSP.ROLE'
, where MSP
represents the required MSP ID and ROLE
represents one of the four accepted roles: member
, admin
, client
, and peer
, admin
, client
,和 peer
Here are a few examples of valid principals:
: any administrator of theOrg0
: any member of theOrg1
: any client of theOrg1
: any peer of theOrg1
The syntax of the language is:
1 | EXPR(E[, E...]) |
Where EXPR
is either AND
, OR
, or OutOf
, and E
is either a principal (with the syntax described above) or another nested call to EXPR
, OR
, or OutOf
For example:
AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member', 'Org3.member')
requests one signature from each of the three principals. -
OR('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
requests one signature from either one of the two principals. -
OR('Org1.member', AND('Org2.member', 'Org3.member'))
requests either one signature from a member of theOrg1
MSP or one signature from a member of theOrg2
MSP and one signature from a member of theOrg3
MSP. -
OutOf(1, 'Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
, which resolves to the same thing asOR('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
. -
OutOf(2, 'Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
is equivalent toAND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
, andOutOf(2, 'Org1.member', 'Org2.member', 'Org3.member')
is equivalent toOR(AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member'), AND('Org1.member', 'Org3.member'), AND('Org2.member', 'Org3.member'))
AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member', 'Org3.member')
三个主体都需要进行签名。 -
OR('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
只需要两个主体的其中一个提供签名。 -
OR('Org1.member', AND('Org2.member', 'Org3.member'))
需要Org1提供签名,或者需要Org2和Org3同时提供签名。 -
OutOf(1, 'Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
, 和OR('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
做的事情一样。 -
OutOf(2, 'Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
与AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member')
相同 -
OutOf(2, 'Org1.member', 'Org2.member', 'Org3.member')
与OR(AND('Org1.member', 'Org2.member'), AND('Org1.member', 'Org3.member'), AND('Org2.member', 'Org3.member'))